Friday 29 April 2016

A Home

Exploring memory boards and memory makers, traces that children leave, jellies and elastics, roundabouts, collections of place names

hints of a show?

Monday 25 April 2016

Fall and Recover

Trish McAdam @ Butler Gallery, Kilkenny

Film still with captions from Roughtime
a journey of homelessness


He who does not eat from his own adze cannot think with his own mind

 Smoke Alice @ De Courcey Square

Wednesday 20 April 2016


'The only way to smooth a mistake is to let it all unravel'.

Burial Rites. Hannah Kent

Saturday 9 April 2016

only crows fly here

April 9, 2016

Dreaming of dead cat friends,

or decomposition?

Thursday 7 April 2016

oh thee and Tree

April 7, 2016

 sighting a version of you on a bus, ravaged and cross

 Oh Thee

Wednesday 6 April 2016

If you want in

April 5, 2016

Walk planning.
Looking locally at back lanes and canals. Their habitual use.
Thinking about the dog that was locked up in a shed and now sticks close to the wall, when out walking.
What if you take a wider ring, or traverse the expanse..

Walk the plains of Kildare?

 If you want in

Monday 4 April 2016

April 4, 2016

In the edible garden this April.
Chard.  Green and Red.
Brassica flowers. Yellow
Ruccola.  Small florets of creamy cauliflower and deep purple broccoli.
Bright blue flower of comfrey.
Dandelion. Cleavers. Cabbage leaf.
Oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme.
Blackcurrant leaf.
Garlic leaf.
All chopped and added to tomato, feta, oil and vinegar.

 Opal Plum Flower with Artichoke Leaf

Friday 1 April 2016