Wednesday 19 February 2020

Online again and wondering about the fragments we leave on sketchily created blogs and project sites, trying things out, then forgetting all about them again.
February in Glasnevin, blankets of wet everywhere, vegetables roasting, thoughts random. Morning walk to yoga and back, posture more upright on the return journey. Negotiating my way through umbrellas and ageist footpath walking. The younger you are the more space is allocated to you. My everyday walking practice tests this hypothesis . If I move to a more central position as I come towards you, what will you do in your unconscious movement response? It is not a morning to look upwards as there are too many puddles to avoid and too many opportunities for the passing traffic to splash your damp legs. Three houses with a sold sign, and am wondering if this is in anticipation of the new bus corridors, tree felling,  5g road widening schemes that are relentlessly coming our way. I have lived in this area on and off since the eighties and it has remained remarkably unchanged.
Time to pay closer attention perhaps.

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